The Grapevine
Every fortnight our hardworking staff compile the latest news and goings on amongst our school community and send it our in our newsletter - The Grapevine.
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School Council Summary
May 2024
The new School Council team has been confirmed, and Office Bearers were elected. Thanks, and congratulations to the
Parent Members: Toneea Watson (President), Jenny Chittasorn, Wai Wong Chan & Patricia Williams.
Community Members: Cindy Hinterholzl (Treasurer), Avril Fortuin (Vice President) & Andrew Young.
DET members: Lyn Coulter (Principal), Rohan Schloithe & Rosa Chirchiglia.
Student Representatives: Nazareth Filimone & Klara Hatt.
Changes to the way our students learn
May 2023
Dear Parents and Carers,
The way students learn and what students will learn will change at Robinvale College from Monday May 15.
Throughout this term, students have undertaken PAT testing in the areas of Reading and Mathematics. PAT stands for ‘Progressive Achievement Test’ and is a Department funded tool that allows teachers to gain greater insight into their students’ current level of understanding and ability. The data retrieved from the PAT testing process has allowed us as a college to define what supports our students need and which students are ready for extension to enhance their learning in core subjects.
Two learning groups have been created based on this data, ‘Mainstream’ and ‘Extension.’ The social and emotional needs of students have also been taken into consideration when forming these groups.
To further support students’ learning, the structure of these classes has also been combined across 7/8 and 9/10. The table below shows a visual representation of the changes:
*Two mainstream classes may be offered, depending on student need and timetabling capacity
What you need to know:
The students have been allocated according to their test results for English, Maths and Science.
The learning tasks will be the same for both classes. The difference will be the type of support each class will receive and the pace of instruction for each class.
The Mainstream classes will have Education Support Staff assigned.
Students can move between the extension group and the mainstream group depending on their learning needs.
The intention over the course of the academic year is to have more students move into extension group based on their growth of learning capacity.
There are changes for the P-6 students as well.
The Year 1/2 class has been divided into two groups. Using data and social readiness the groups have been divided into a large group who are ready for extension and a smaller group. The smaller group will have Education Support Staff allocated. The learning will be targeted to the needs of both groups with the intention that every student will be ‘AT’ level by the end of the year.
Learning Through Connection
The College is looking to implement a learning program called ‘Learning Through Connection’ for students who learn best through connection to culture. This program will be offered to students as they are identified. This year the program will centre around Indigenous education. The students will join their peers for some subjects. The course aims to serve the needs of each individual therefore will adapt for each participant.
Electives are Back.
Students in years 7 to 10 have selected their preferred elective for terms 2,3 and 4. The intention is to allow students the flexibility to explore or deepen different areas of interest. Each term they can select or repeat an elective. Teachers will vary their teaching program to enable students who want to repeat an elective to broaden their learning. The students chose from Auslan, Food Fibre Tech, Art, and Music.
Please contact Stephanie Fang or myself on 50263704 if you have queries or would like to provide feedback about these changes.
Yours sincerely
Nat Mouvet
Robinvale College