Wellbeing Coordinator
Celeste Hill coordinates the wellbeing team; ensuring the schools commitment to the health and wellbeing of our community and the importance of wellbeing to education and training.
School Chaplain
Students have the support of our School Chaplain, Sam Mitchell, who provides support in a caring environment, including group lessons such as Managing the Bull, a program dedicated to instilling resilience in young people. Students can visit Sam confidentially at any time during the school week.
School Nurse
The key role of the secondary school nurse is to support health promotion and primary prevention in secondary schools. Through identifying and building on existing school initiatives and providing appropriate preventative health care, secondary school nurses assist schools to better support the health and wellbeing needs of their students.
The role encompasses:
health promotion and primary prevention
school community development activities
small group work focussing on health related discussion and information
individual student health counselling
advice and referral to assist young people in making healthy life style choices.
Our qualified Registered Nurse Rachel McDowall has experience working with young people and families who may have general health and/or mental wellbeing issues. Rachel can provide confidential advice regarding student health to students and their families and may refer students to medical agencies or alternative sources on support. The School Nurse is at Robinvale College on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
School Psychologist
In partnership with Murray PHN and the Mental Health Commissioned Services funding, psychologists provide individual counselling support to assist with issues such as anxiety, stress, motivation, self esteem, social issues, family difficulties, mental health issues, learning problems and grief. Access to counselling is easy and discreet for students and will help them to identify problems, think clearly about what is happening and what they want to happen, and ultimately develop an effective plan of action to resolve the situation.
School Doctor
Currently, Robinvale College has developed a partnership with Murray Valley Aboriginal Co-operative, where we have access to doctor and mental health clinician who consult at the school on a Thursday. In 2018, we are excited to unveil the Doctors in Schools program, which will see Robinvale College have a dedicated Doctor located in purpose built consulting rooms one day per week for secondary school students.
Department of Education [DET] Secondary support staff
Robinvale College have access to DET support staff which provides access to a range of allied health services and social and psychological support.
Support for Parents
Our school’s support staff can also offer guidance to parents regarding parenting or school issues, and recommend external professionals if ongoing support is required.
If you would like to contact any of our support staff, please telephone the school’s Main Reception on (03) 5026 3704
The wellbeing team look forward to another great year of supporting our students to build positive wellbeing and reliance so that they can get the most out of their education.
Confidentiality for Wellbeing Services
Written parental consent will be sought for individual Psychology and DET sessions with students from the Junior School. In the Senior School, students may request to see the school chaplin or nurse without parental consent. As much as possible, the wellbeing team will work to involve parents in the counselling process for the benefit of the student, but will also ensure student privacy where required.
Written parental consent will be sought in both the Junior and Senior School for formal cognitive and behavioural testing.